Registration is now open
Have a look at the programme and ticket options, then book your place
Programme is subject to change
Monday 7th July
Travel to venue
Accommodation check-in opens
From 3pm
We’re working on a range of ‘stretch your legs’ activities. More information coming soon - to give you an idea choices are likely to include a local walk, a visit to Winchester cathedral and more.
Time tbc
The bar will open ahead of dinner. Monday evening will be a relaxed welcome night.
Tuesday 8th July
Gentle yoga tbc. Booking will be via the conference app.
Registration, networking and tea/coffee
Welcome to the conference:
Chair's introduction - Philip Hygate, National Landscapes Association
Ministerial address - Mary Creagh, Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
Welcome from your host National Landscapes
Welcome from Winchester University
Platinum sponsor's address
Setting the scene - John Watkins, National Landscapes Association
Refreshments and networking
Our 'Disrupt' session: we will hear from speakers who will challenge our thinking on a range of topics. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session. Hear from:
- Hayden Bridgeman, New Forest National Park Authority
- Mary-Ann Ochota, President of the CPRE
- Derek Gow, farmer and nature conservationist
- Speaker tbc
Workshop session
You’ll be able to attend two topics - further information to follow. Booking will be via the conference app. Topics confirmed so far include:
- Climate change, Clare Downing, National Landscapes Association
- Big Chalk, David Hoccomb, National Landscapes Association
- Governance and purposes, coordinated by Ruth Larbey, National Landscapes Association
Fringe sessions
When you book your conference ticket you’ll be able to suggest a topic you’d like to host. We balance the topics to ensure a good spread and we provide a room; the rest is up to you! The topic can be anything you like, not necessarily related to the conference theme.
Time tbc
The bar will open at 7pm, ahead of dinner.
We’re continuing the tradition of an informal jamming session. If you play an instrument, bring it along and get stuck in after dinner. Plus there's a piano!
Wednesday 9th July
All day
It's site visit day. You’ll be able to attend one field trip, but we ask you to give your top three choices when you register so we can balance numbers. Field trip information to follow.
Time tbc
The bar will open ahead of dinner.
Field Trips
Thursday 10th July
Gentle yoga and/or group run tbc.
Booking will be via the conference app.
Registration, networking and coffee
National Landscapes Question Time
Our panel will be taking your questions. Chaired by John Watkins, National Landscapes Association. Panellists coming soon. Panellists confirmed so far:
- Alison Barnes, New Forest National Park Authority
- Sita Brahmachari, Author
- Kieran Thomas, trustee of the National Landscapes Association
- Additional panellists tbc
The art of the possible - hear from speakers who are already doing inspirational things
Closing remarks and conference reflections
Departure with a packed lunch

Photo: North Wessex Downs, Town and Manor of Hungerford